Donmuang, Bangkok
Job Description
Design, build, and install a robotic production line for a 5-Gallon water bottle facility

Project Summary
Provide a low maintenance robotic water bottle loader and unloader while coordinating with other customer vendors to provide a high speed production line reducing labor requirements by 80%
– Design, fabricate, install, and program first Fanuc R2000 robotic cell for
unloading empty bottles from customer-supplied racks
– Provide conveyance for racks
– Provide a rack washer
– Design, fabricate, install, and program a machine for de-capping bottles – Design, fabricate, install, and program a machine for leak testing bottles – Design, fabricate, install, and program a system for testing bottles for harmful contaminants
– Provide conveyance for good and reject bottles
– Design, fabricate, install, and program a second Fanuc R2000 robotic cell for loading full bottles back into the cleaned customer-supplied racks
– Design, fabricate, and install 1 safety enclosure for each robot cell
– Provide all system documentation
– Co-ordinate and plan with other suppliers of equipment for this production line